Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Some Boys

 Go to the author's website

Some Boys Quiz


  1. Gato Genial
    Okay I read this like 4 months ago and couldn't think of anything to comment.
    This book is so
    So /real/ yknow?
    We never think about things like this.
    We've always been raised to believe that you should tell a trusted adult and whatever when things happen and this book is just
    Remember that time you told on someone and they called you a tattletale? I'm sure there were even times when /teachers/ did it to "nobody likes a tattletale"
    Its like _
    It's the same thing but on a larger scale.
    I can't describe this book
    It's not my favourite or anything but I think it's definitely something EVERYONE needs to read.
    And I mean everyone.
    The main character made so many good points. She suffered so much.
    I mean, can you imagine her life if (insert ending) hadn't happened?
    Listen guys, only 2% of people in jail were falsely accused of rape.
    No one likes a tattletale apparently okay? 98% of anyone who comes forward is telling the TRUTH
    It's not something people like to talk about, it's one of the most horrible horrible acts we can do to each other in this day and age.
    EVERYONE needs to read this

  2. 's not about what you wear
    It isn't about how you act
    People in the 1700s under several layers of clothing got raped. People in Burqas get raped.
    CHILDREN who aren't even fully ready to PICK WHAT THEY WEAR get raped.
    Never forget Brock Turner who raped an unconscious women, put crap from the streets inside her, too. And he was let off the hook because since the woman was unconscious she "couldn't prove she didn't like it"
    If she can't consent, if she doesn't consent, don't you dare
    This is so wrong
    The world we live in is so very wrong

  3. Abby Akers
    Mrs. Scheller

    The setting of some day is a modern setting. The setting is important to the story because it shows how society views people and how families are. Grace's mom is very accepting of how she is and about what happened to her. Her dad and his wife don't really like how Grace is. They don't like how she dresses and they don't like how she accused Zac, a jock, of raping her. Because Zac is a popular jock, everyone is on his side and they don't believe what Grace has said. The setting is very important in this book because if it was set farther back, I don't think people would accept her at all.

  4. Chloe Averbeck
    Mrs. Scheller 3rd hour

    In the story of Some Boys, the characters live during the time of the modern day. This setting of the book is important since it shows how the kids in Grace's school will react to her claims, as well as how relationships work in this high school and what is valued now compared to what was valued in a time like the 60s. Grace, our main character is directly affected by this setting as she gets hated on for claiming the school's pretty boy, Zac, raped her. Zac is affected by the setting as he gets the long end of the stick. Because he is popular, handsome,and on the lacrosse team, he gets viewed as almost some sort of God that can do know wrong, which he in fact can do some wrong. It's just the fact that in this setting there is almost a social standing between students and that if you're high on the scale, and well liked by everyone, then everyone "knows" you and knows that you wouldn't do anything wrong. However, the viewpoints of these students if flawed as the really only judge Zac for looks and that he's popular. Grace luckily sees this after so unfortunately getting raped by the school's "golden boy."

  5. Diane M Mrs.scheller
    The setting is at a school this impacts the main character because she said she was raped by a kid who goes to her school (zac) but nobody believes her because zac is the ''golden boy'' of the school. This impacts her friend group because she loses her two best friends. she now gets bullied because evryone things shes lying to get attention. The main character hates her life. Her being at school is a impact because thats a place she can't be happy, it's a place where everyone gives her weird stares and calls her bad things with causes her to not want to live or be happy.

  6. Piper Stutsman
    Hour 3

    The setting of the book “Some Boys” is in the modern day time. It takes place mainly at the highschool where the main character, Grace, goes to school. The setting affects her in a way to where she’s mildly depressed because of people being bullies to her. How it affects Zac, the popular guy, and his friends is a different story. Zac is funny, playful, and smart, and he is the star player of the lacrosse team. So his friends and him get praised at the school. it’s like their time at school is warm and bright.

  7. In the book some boys the setting is basically at a high school and it’s basically talking about teen drama they set this at the high school cause that’s we’re drama is at the girl is at school and people are bullying her because she said that she got raped by a boy zac when they were at a party no one believes what she is saying about zac their saying she just lying and she running his football career she lost her friends because of this and now everyone is bullying her and calling her names when she was in the bathroom her friends came in talking about and how can she lie on zac her friend was only saying that because she like zac and so they were being mean to her she called her mom and her mom was saying did she want to go home she said no and her mom said ok she didn't want to leave school

  8. The setting of Some Boys is taken place at a modern day high school. Through out the story Grace is struggling with the after math of a horrible night. The whole school turns against her, and no one believes she was raped by the most popular boy in school Zac.. while facing these challenges she is also having trouble with not only her social life but her family. Her fathers seems like he wants nothing to do with her, and her mother is super supportive but also a wreck herself. The story switches narrators, from Grace to a by named Ian. Ian was an athletic guy who has always liked Grace until she started "drama" with Ians friend Zac. Ian and Grace both get into trouble and are stuck cleaning lockers over their spring break. Grace is nervous at first but opens up slowly to Ian. Ian doesnt know what to do.

  9. Mrs.Scheller 3rd Hour
    The setting of Some Boys by Patty Blount takes place in a high school and starts off with Grace on a bus getting bullied. After the bulling she gets to school to be pushed down and made fun of . The reason why she is getting bullied is because a boy named Zac raped her but when she tries to defend herself in the case no one believes her. After the big scene she runs into the bathroom where her ex-friends are at. they start talking about Zac and Grace gets mad and stands up for herself. When her ex-friends left she called her mom saying she couldn't breath, her mom helped her breath and the she went on with her day. After the big incident it changes to our other POV Ian.Ian is Zac's friend but the issue with that is he likes Grace. So he has to keep it to himself in order not to be bullied or lose his friend.

  10. Mrs. Scheller
    Stella Ulrich
    Hour 3

    In the book some boys, the setting so far is basically just a modern time highschool and it effects the character grace by putting her in a place surrounded by people who think shes a liar and bully her and target her. The setting also makes her have too see the guy who raped her and gives her a lot of anxiety and panic attacks. The setting also has a big effect on her choices because so many people are targeting her and bullying her that she gets so mad she makes rash decisions. Also grace hates the setting and just wants to stay home and avoid all the name calling and because no one believes her and accuses her of lying.

  11. Mrs Sheller -Alex Z-
    a character I disagree with is the I guess the best way to describe it is the lead antagonist Zac, he started some rumors about the main character and even posted a video of her drunk to basically back up his side of the story.(the story being him raping her) And at the part I'm in hes still the golden boy and everyone takes his side.

    1. Abby Akers

      I think that if the whole story comes out, the video will only hurt Zac. I hope that the lacrosse team stops covering for him and he gets what he deserves. His mom seem to not care what he does which is why I think he thinks he can do whatever he wants and not get in trouble.

  12. Cassie Reich -- 2nd Hour Scheller

    In Some Boys, I disagree with Zac's actions. Zac rapes Grace and lies about it. Everyone believes Zac, since he posted a video on Facebook about it. What Zac did was wrong. Grace was just another girl to claim and he shouldn't have raped her and lied about it. Leaving Grace lying there and posting a video was wrong, too. He should have taken no as the answer and stopped. He hurt a lot of people, including himself. The fact that the whole school would bully her and call her a liar was horrendous, and it's sad to think that these kinds of things do happen because of people like Zac.

    1. I agree with you! I think that more people should believe her. He should have never taken a video if her and post it. I hate how everyone on the lacrosse team covers for him. Even Ian, who knows Zacs version of the story still agrees with him. I hope that with the pictures she has taken of him she can get some kind of justice.

    2. Chloe Averbeck
      While overall let's face it, Zac isn't a good person. I think there is some truth in his statement when he thought Grace was into it. He didn't truly realize she was unconscious due to the moaning. However, if he really did realize the state she was in he might not have left her knowing she couldn't fend for herself. And why wouldn't the lacrosse team come to Zac's rescue? Ian is a different story, but the rest of the team is still his best friends. They all think he isn't in the wrong. Now Ian.... Ian is a mess. He wants to try to make everyone happy, but while I hate his betrayal to Grace he just wanted to keep the friends he's had for the longer time.

    3. Mrs.Scheller
      Diane magana
      3rd hour
      i 100 percent agree with you zac is such a bad person for leaving Grace on the ground after raping her and he's a bad person for lying and putting it to the side. He's acting like nothing happened with is totally wrong. I also think Grace should talk to someone about what happened to her.

    4. Stella Ulrich
      Hour 3
      Mrs. Scheller

      Yes, I agree with you totally its so upsetting to think the same thing could happen too me or someone I know and nothing would be done, some people are just so screwed up they cant even see right from wrong. Also its upsetting people would be as cruel to bully her when they dont know the truth

  13. Abby Akers

    In Some Boys a character I disagree with is Ian. I dont agree with him because he is hypocritical and a he is fake. He is nice to Grace when they are by themselves but when Zac comes around he doesnt act like himself. At the beginning when Zac is around, Ian calls Grace names and sides with Zac. Even when Ian learns what happened the night of the party he still believes Zac. He does become more protective of Grace but he continues to hang out with and cover for Zac.

    1. Chloe Averbeck
      While this is true, and Ian is totally in the wrong for what he is doing. He really doesn't understand WHAT exactly he's doing. While he is being a jerk to Grace, he's know Zac longer and still wants to be his friend. If your best friend that you knew almost all your life was convicted of rape, wouldn't you do the same? Try to protect them and still be there for them? While I agree that Ian is being totally immature about this situation, sometimes it's nice to look at both sides of the story.

    2. i totally agree with you ian is in the wrong because he is acting like he is nice to grace but really when he is around zac and his friends he is talking about her behind her back and he would say slick comments to her about being raped by zac that zac didnt do it

  14. Chloe Averbeck
    3rd Hour
    Mrs. Scheller

    In Some Boys, I completely disagree with Ian's decision to side with Zac and his friends. Ian stabbed Grace in the back. In this situation Ian thinks that's all he can/should do so the team doesn't desert him. However, like his dad mentions, Ian shouldn't care about those things. Those are not the things that truly matter in life, and he knows Grace, and knows she not what everyone tells her she is. What he should've done is just ignore it and talked to her face-to-face about it the next day. Even though Ian thought that was socially acceptable, it wasn't. All he did was stab his one true friend in the back.

    1. I think Ian is trying to figure out both sides of the situation. Ian and Zac have been friends for a while, and no one is really siding with Grace. so i dont think Ian is stabbing anyone in the back. I think he is trying to chose what he believes happened, but in a very non understanding type of way. that makes Grace confused...

  15. Mrs.scheller
    Diane magana
    3rd Hour
    I disagree with Zac's actions, he raped Grace and he is saying that he didn't. He is also saying that he did it with her know and that she was into it. I disagree that just because he is an athlete he get to be treated well. I think he doesn't care about what he did to Grace because he know no one would believe her.i think that the way he is thinking is bad because what if he keeps doing it will he still get away with it? I think Zac should just come clear and tell someone trusted that he did do it so that people would stop treating Grace like the way she is being treated. what do you think?

    1. i totally agree with you because zac did rape grace and no one believes her he has everyone thinking that she is lying but she is really not so he is trying to make it seem like she is mad because he broke up with her and that she is mad about it

  16. In the story some boys grace is the main characteris really upset about whats going on in the book she is getting bullied for saying that zac raped her so t she hat's making her depressed and stuff so its making her behavior kind of mean towards people .but her ex best friend miranda is bullying her because she is mad that grace dated zac and miranda liked zac so she takes her anger out on graqce and grace is the one that got raped and miranda knows it cause she was there when it happened what do you think miranda is wrong

    1. Mrs.Scheller
      diane magana
      3th hour
      i agree with you! i think that miranda is wrong for being so mean to Grace i think that she should just listen to her since they were bestfriends she should be the one thats supporting her and not the one thats being her down. Do you think miranda should try to talk to Grace?

    2. I also agree how Miranda has been treating Grace and always listening to Zac instead of hearing the other story is very one sided.

  17. Piper Stutsman
    Hour 3 Scheller

    While reading “Some Boys” I’ve noticed that I oppose Ian's actions and behavior throughout the book. While everything has been taking effect at the school with Grace and Zac, Ian has been in the center. As the week off of school moves to an end, Grace and Ian are getting along well together with all the time they have spent together. As the school week reopens, Ian is pressured to act rude to Grace around Zac and the lacrosse team. I do not agree with this. People should never influence you no matter if you’ve known them for years or not. 

    1. I agree with you about how Ian is acting around friends when grace is around/ brought up. But why do you say Ian is in the middle?

    2. I agree with you I see what you mean about how he's in the middle good observation

  18. Through out the book, Grace is having a hard time. Ian seems to have mixed feelings towards her. I dont agree with the way Ian has been acting towards Grace. Hes been flirty, and friendly, and then suddenly stand offish when she needs someone by her. The confusing signs Ian has been showing, are also confusing Grace. When Ian is also around his friends he doesnt talk to Grace, or he is nervous to be seen with Grace. He should not let people opinions base how you act towards someone.

    1. Stella Ulrich
      Mrs. Scheller
      Hour 4
      I agree with you completely he shouldnt act different towards grace just because other people are around, if he actually cared for her he´d stick up for her and make their friendship public. Also Ian really does send her a lot of mixed signals that dont help with everything she has going on in her life.

    2. Piper Stutsman
      Hour 3 Scheller

      I agree with you when talking about Ians actions around Grace and around his friends, but I don't agree with you when you say that Ian is "Flirting" with Grace. Yes he has a crush on Grace but he has been trying to befriend Grace, not flirt with her.

  19. Nicholas Hoard
    Hour 4 Scheller

    Ian's actions are the right actions for the situation as a friend and a girl he likes in a fight type situation. He is really good at keeping things very short and simple... when its not the right time to talk about Zac he will do his very best to stop talking or not talk about Zac. Same thing the other way when he is with Zac and feels uncomfortable where he's at he either leaves or hangouts with someone else. I realized his actions around Grace is very emotional . He likes to look at her not in a friend way but in a very lovey type of way

    1. Piper Stutsman
      Hour 4 Scheller

      I would agree with you 'cause Ian has done nothing but try to help Grace by not talking about Zac and the whole "situation" but when it comes to Ian around his friends while Grace is around, he is pressured to act poorly towards Grace.

  20. Stella Ulrich
    Hour 4

    In the book some boys Ians actions are completely wrong from the beginning of the book because there is two sides too every story and he just straight up believed Zac because he thought he knew him. Also he was okay with the way Zac and his friends treat women and he was cruel to grace in front of all his friends because they dont like her. Also he took no action when his lacrosse team friends were harassing her and calling her names besides stopped them. She also really cared for Ian so she brought him pain relievers so hed feel better yet he publicly humiliated her in front of half the school and knew exactly what he was doing. All he had too was stay away from her or actually listen instead of hurting her even more.

  21. Marijane Clubbs
    Scheller 2nd hour
    In the book Some Boys by Patty Blount, the main conflict is between Zac and Grace. At the beginning of the book, the conflict is introduced, although not very straightforward. At a party a couple weeks prior to the start of the book Grace got drunk and Zac took advantage of her. She said no, but he continued anyway. Throughout the book, the conflict is explained in more detail, and Grace battles through school and having to see Zac everyday. My first reaction to the conflict was along the lines of "Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait a second, he did what??" Because, honestly, who in their right mind would side with someone who did something as awful as that?

    1. Chloe Averbeck
      Mj while your reaction is completely understandable, but you should also remember that everyone in this story thinks that Grace is lying and that's what makes her life a living hell, and in my honest opinion, I think she battles that everyday instead of necessarily seeing Zac everyday. While she is still terrified of him, it's normally at its worst only when its just them. And,(SPOILER ALERT) later on you find out that he did it because "no one tells him no." But you are right for saying that Zac is a sicko.

    2. diane magana
      3rd hour
      i agree! why would anyone do something like that and not own up to it or say something about it, now she has to go to school everyday and see the person who raped her and he has to walk around knowing he raped someone.he should just own up to it.

    3. Abby Akers
      I agree with Chloe. I think the thing that Grace battles with most is the fact that everyone thinks she is lying. None of the teachers believe her, her dad and step mom act like they don't believe her, and her friends don't believe her. Not only that, she has to deal with people she didn't even know were calling her names.

    4. scheller 2nd hour
      in the story some boys the conflict is bettween zac and grace the coflict was that he raped her and he didnt care that he did it he just did it without no hesitation she didnt have any help no one even tryed to help her and they make it seem like she is the bad guy my reaction to this was that this is stupid he should of never done that to her and how could he hurt her why do you think that everyone thinks its graces fought that she got raped and that no one tryed to help her when it was happening

  22. Chloe Averbeck
    Mrs. Scheller 3rd hour

    An important conflict in Some Boys is not only the question of did Zac actually rape Grace, but who side should Ian be on. Throughout the book Ian is torn between the best friend he's known for years and the girl he has a crush on who he has to spend a week alone with cleaning lockers. That sounds like an easy choice, right? Pick your best friend, you've known them for years and this girl for only about a few months. However, while the two clean lockers Ian finds out more and realizes that there are some things that aren't exactly what they seem which makes him question not only his best friend, but his relationship to that best friend. This internal conflict that Ian has is important to the story because it shows us that people can change. Like Ian changes his opinion on Zac and how he views life. I personally like this conflict in the story as it certainly made me want to keep reading and at points made me question if Grace was actually in the right. I react this way to the conflict because the author does a great representation of this struggle with deciding what side of friends you should be on.

    1. Abby Akers
      3- Scheller
      I like how you talked about the conflict Ian has. I feel like it would be hard to be in the middle of a situation like Ian is. He is stuck between his best friend and his crush that is accusing his best friend of rape. I agree that this conflict definitely made me want to keep reading.

    2. I know right? It added a suspense to it after every point of view switch. As well as it really makes you root for the couple at the end of the story!

    3. i agree with you because we should see why zac raped grace and who side is ian on he should be on graces side or really no ones side cause you dont really know who is telling the truth if grace is lying or if zac is lying about grace being raped

  23. Abby Akers
    In the book "Some Boys" the main conflict is between Grace and Zac. Zac rapes Grace while she is drunk and says that she wanted it. In the beginning of the book the main conflict isn't straight forward. Once Ian and Grace start working together is when we find out about what Zac did. The conflict is important because without it the book wouldn't make any sense. I was more surprised that no one believed her more than I was about the conflict itself. It was also surprising to me that the author makes it seem like her dad didn't believe her, which we learn at the end of the story that he does believe her and was just angry with himself.

    1. diane magana
      3rd hour
      i completely agree! i love how you talked about her family and how they were not believing her and i was also surprised that her best friends didn't believe her, they all believed zac because he was the popular boy the only reason her friends didn't believe her was because they thought she wanted to steal him from them

  24. diane magana
    3rd hour
    In the book some boys the major conflict is between Zac and Grace. Zac is saying that he didn't rape Grace but Grace is saying that he did rape her.This conflict causes their to be lost relasionships like mierada not being bestfriends with grace anymore and Ian looking at Zac in different way. Grace is scared of zac for the longest time because zac gets away with everything and anything. Grace can't even look at zac without thinking back on that day and zac just makes a lot of jokes about grace. Do you think the conflict between zac and Grace was a major conflict?

    1. Chloe Averbeck
      I completely agree! This whole incident causes friendships to quickly break apart and Ian starts to question his best friend Zac. Who, at the beginning of the story was believed to be innocent. I also agree with this being a major conflict, and without it we'd probably just have an adorable romance novel about Ian and Grace. Which personally I wouldn't mind reading, but this conflict adds so much to the story and is important for the plot and the way that the characters act throughout it.

    2. i agree with you the conflict is not really knowing who is tellin the truth and that miranda stoped being graces friend because of this just because she really liked zac and that she didnt like how grace dated zac for like a couple days

    3. I agree with you. This was the major conflict. Zac always pushing Grace, trying to get a reaction causes more and more irritation to her. The story between them is what keeps the schools drama going about "grace being a slut"

    4. Nicholas Hoard
      4th Hour
      Mrs. Scheller
      I also agree with you. The conflict made Ian and Grace's "Ex Friends" have a good role in the story if they weren't in the story i feel like it could've been a little stale . But because they were in the story in made everything have a little spice to it.

    5. Stella Ulrich
      Hour 4
      Mrs. scheller
      I agree graces friends were not loyal too her and zac had the power too turn everyone against her and all zac did was cause a bunch of trouble. Also zac lost the best friend he could ever get aka ian because ian really is a good guy but doesnt always act on it.

  25. Piper Stutsman
    Hour 3 Scheller
    As I finished the book “Some Boys” I could see that the most important conflict is between Grace and Zac. Throughout the book we see the conflict of the situation, that Grace claimed Zac has raped her, and how that affects the characters in and out of school. Grace went to a party with a good deal of personnel from the school. During which, Zac went to comfort Grace due to her arguing with her friend. Grace winds up slowly passing out, then Zac eventually raped her. This conflict is important as it sets up the book from the beginning, without this conflict, we wouldn't have a story.

    1. Nicholas Hoard
      4rd Hour
      Mrs. Scheller
      We had a very similar idea on the conflict of the story.When Grace was accused of being the "bad guy" in the story im glad the author decided to do this because it made the story more interesting as you read.


    2. sydnee williams
      I agree with this conflict,Zac is'nt taking it seriously. If he really did'nt know she was passed out Zac could of changed the out come. He could have told her his side and apologized. All he does is continue to push her and make her scared.

  26. Sydnee Williams
    Hour 4
    Through out most of the book, there is a conflict between Grace and her high school. But mainly with Zac, the popular lacrosse player every girl is head over heals for. After a party Grace went to, she accused Zac of rape. The whole school turned against her, because Zac said it wasnt true. This effected Grace alot, shes been counting the days since it happened, shes always being called a slut, and she has no more friends. This party really messed with her, and caused the biggest conflict in this story.

  27. Nicholas Hoard
    4th Hour Scheller
    I am getting closer to the end which means i've read almost the whole book and I am getting a very good idea on what the most important conflict is and that is Grace and Zac and there conflict during an outdoor party.Grace was frustrated with one of her friends and eventually drunk to much alcohol and passed out. When Zac went to comfort her he thought it would be ok to rape Grace. Zac is also the star player on the lacrosse team and Zac is very good looking. These features of Zac make him the victim and Grace the antagonist. This is a good case because the book basically relies on it. If the case was not present it would be a very boring story

  28. The most important conflict in the book is that ian doesnt know if he should believe zac or grace about the rape story. Its important to the story because if he had just stayed believing zac like he did at the beginning of the book him and grace wouldnt have connection and the truth would have never came out.
    My reaction to the conflict was how can ian be so stupid and insensitive and how can zac live with himself. I reacted that way because grace was so hurt and scared and ian was just stupid for like the first half of the book and its disgusting that zac could do that and treat another human the way he did.
