In We Were Liars, the setting changed the characters thoughts and opinions because she was in a rich island full of rich people and she did not know the struggle of other people outside of the private island, even she says that she can get tied up in the island and not worry about anything else. In a later setting she is going through doctor after doctor because she can't remember hitting her head with her friends around and this affects her by you seeing that she has a hard time remembering a lot of things now and is really trying to figure out what happened.
Because the setting of We Were Liars is present time (or close to it) and on a private island owned by the main character’s family, the main character, Cady feels that she can be whoever she wants every summer, when she is on the island with the rest of the “liars”. They can all make up their dream lives and nobody would know because they only see each other for the couple months they are on the island. Cady does things she usually wouldn’t do, like go swimming at night by dangerous rocks. This caused her to hit her head, forget everything from the summer she hit her head, and have to miss the next summer on the island. If the story was not set on an island with people she was hardly around, Cady would not be able to/ want to` take the risk she did and get hurt. If I had to adjust to the character’s environment, I would be excited because I wouldn’t have any stress or worry from my life at home. I would get to spend time with people I love and be disconnected with the rest of the world.
Hannah Neff Mrs. Scheller 4th hour Who are the 'liars'? Are they people Cady knows well? Why does she feel like she can be whoever she wants? Would she really never have went night swimming by rocks? What made them disconnected from the rest of the world? why did thwey spend so much time on the island? was it significant to Cady in anyway?
Why do you think they call their little group the "liars"? How would you feel if you were forced to act like everything is normal even if it is not? Do you think Cady is acting out or is she doing the right thing by wanting to get to know the truth?
In the book, We Are Liars, at the private island her grandparents own. The main character has to pretend she was normal and not be depressed because everyone on the island is perfect and can do no wrong. My reaction to the character adapting to the environment is shocking because the entire thing she has been through and every time she breaks down her mom ells her to get back up and she does I would think she would break down and won’t be fine, but instead she gets back up and lifts her chin up and she is fine.
Why do you think her mother makes her get back up when Cadence is clearly struggling? Or why do you think that she wants to pretend if it is affecting everything in her day-to-day life? I think this was a good response to what was asked and I agree and understand why you would be shocked in the situation that was happening in the story
I think her mother makes Cadence get back up when she clearly is struggling because she want her to normal and not to be different from others. But also maybe she is just pretending it affects everything in her day-to-day life so people can feel bad about want happened to her.
Reide P. Mrs. Scheller, 3rd hour How do you think Cady feels about having to constantly “be normal”? The liars constantly notice her telling stories about her life that cause them to feel bad, but she always tells them not to. This is probably from her mother consistently telling her to smile and act normal. Cady has been taught to hide her personality. Throughout the book, you can see her personality slowing coming through the shell her mother has made around her.
In the book, We Were Liars, Cadence is surrounded by her spoiled family on their own private island. She can have whatever she wants due to her family’s money. This is only for the summer however. During this time she doesn’t have to worry about the real world. Her family however is a little crazy because they are shrouded from the real world. If I was her, I would be very happy. I wouldn’t have to deal with real world problems and I would be the heir to the island. It would make my life a lot less stressful and enjoyable
Why would you be happy? If a event like what happened to Cadence, happened to you , you would not be happy. Regardless of the money her & her family has she won’t even get to go to their private island this summer because of what happened their last summer.
Madalyn Daven Scheller 3rd hour Why would you be happy? If a event like what happened to Cadence, happened to you , you would not be happy. Regardless of the money her & her family has she won’t even get to go to their private island this summer because of what happened their last summer.
Alyssa H. Mrs. Scheller 4th Hour The setting effects the main character, Cady’s thought’s by her not having to worry about anything in the real world while on summer vacation at Beechwood. Although, she does have a bunch of straining thoughts about her accident. And while they are visiting, her mom continues to tell her to act normal. So, the main character is forced to act as if nothing is wrong. Also, she chooses to lie about things to do with Gat, like the kiss they shared in the attic. My reaction would be excited to visit a private island, and stress relieving to not have to worry about anything to do with the outside world for a while, like a break from reality.
How do you think the accident occurred? Why do you think her mom keeps telling her to act normal? What do you think is wrong with Cadence? How would you adapt to having a stress free life on a private island and having to go back to school after every summer?
I think something may have happened right before Cady went swimming that no one is telling her, and she decided to blow off some steam by going for a swim. I also think that her mom keeps telling her to act normal because that’s what everybody else does on the island. They all act like they have perfect lives outside of the island, even if it is the complete opposite. I think Cady has an addiction to her pain meds, and she doesn’t know how to deal with the stress of her accident. I feel like I would be depressed having to go back to school after being on the island for the whole summer, but then again I would feel relieved to see all my friends from home.
The setting of We Were Liars take's place on an island off the coast of Massachusetts that Cadence's grandparents own. Cadence acts as if she is alright to fit in with the others, when she is really depressed. I am surprised how cadence adapts to the environment she lives in because every time she has a break down she has to deal with all the pain and doesn't tell anyone about the problem's shes having. Cadence live with her mom, dad, and 5 golden retrievers. At one point the dad left and it sent Cadence into depression. While Cadence is on the island her friends come and visit her and it makes her feel good that shes around people and ends up "falling in love".
Madalyn Daven Scheller 3rd hour How do you know that her dad leaving was the trigger to her depression? I don’t think so. In my opinion the trigger to her depression has nothing to do with her dad leaving . I think it mostly has to do with her accident. & not going back to their private island.
Why were you surprised with how she adapted? Why do you believe her dad leaving the family sent her into depression? In my opinion I think her depression came along the summer she wouldn’t go because she went to Europe with her dad she wrote to everyone at the island and no one wrote back.
Donnise W. Mrs. Scheller 4th Hour The setting of We Were Liars is on a private island owned by the main character Cady’s grandparents. The main character Cady and her family of ‘’liars’’ go to the island every summer . The setting of this book changes Cady’s thoughts because on the island they do things they wouldn’t usually do. The night Cady decided to go swimming by herself she hit her head on a rock which caused her to have bad headaches and lose some of her memory. She forgot what happened that night and most of the things from the summer she hit her head. If I had to adapt to Cady’s environment my life would be way more fun and less stressful. I wouldn’t have to deal with people from the real world. The only hard and stressful thing would be trying to regain my memory back.
Hannah N. Mrs. Scheller 4th hour In We Were Liars the main character, Cady, spends her summers on her rich grandfathers private island with the rest of her family and her cousins friend, until she gets hurt. After she gets hurt two summers pass before she gets to go back and the way she thinks changes. They never talk about their problems and Cady wants to. She thinks life is more than belongings, while the rest of her family is materialistic. My reaction to being placed in this situation would be similar to Cady’s. I would try to force communication in my family or I would slowly stop coming around. Cady lets her mom force in into things but I would not. I would stand my ground and try to make them realize communication in just important as belongings.
How did she get hurt? Where is the island? How many cousins does she have? Are they older or younger than her? Is she close to her family? Why does she want to talk about her problems? Why don't they want to talk about their problems?
Jenna G. Mrs.Scheller 4th hour In the book We Were Liars the main character, Cadence and her whole family are spoiled by her grandfather because he is rich. Every summer she goes to their private island with the whole family her aunts her cousin’s and her cousin’s friend. On the island Cadence has thoughts about how she isn’t like her family. She doesn’t think it’s okay not to talk about their family .She starts acting different after her accident and every once in a while she tries to bring up problems in the family and talk about them. She doesn’t think belonging matter as much as family. If I was in her situation I would feel like her because she really wants to talk to the family but no one wants her to.
Audrey D. Mrs. Sheller 7th hour In the book We Were Liars, the main character Cadence spends almost every summer on her rich Grandparents island. The setting affects Cady because on the island everyone is considered perfect. She is forced to put on a smile and act differently than she normally does. This causes her to go out swimming one night by herself and she ends up hitting her head on a rock and not being able to remember a single thing that had happened after. After Cady’s accident she has acted different and isn’t scared to be herself. If I had to adapt to the character’s environment I would act more respectful to my family and enjoy being around them.
The setting effects the character, Cadence, in a way that any social background would. Cadence has always been raised by a rich, content family. She's not allowed to show her emotions because she has to show how content she, individually, is. She's recently found she's in love, her dad left and her grandmother passed yet she is forced to contain her emotions. If I were in Cadence's place I'd definitely speak up and express my emotions, all the while still being content. This way I’m not always feeling stressed from all the waves of emotions just because my family believes we need to always be covered in a hard shell exterior.
In this story Cadence, the main character, does some things that are… questionable to me. When her mother tells her to stop crying, she does. When everyone stops bringing up the dead, she also does. When everyone stops giving her information on her injury, she stops questioning. Some of these things I don't agree with but I can see why they do it. If I were in the situation that she is in I would cry whenever because it is bad to just keep those emotions inside of you and not tell somebody about them, but, I can see why her mother makes her act that way so that they can look strong and not remind other people, but why look strong if you are not on the inside? The other thing that Cadence does is trying to stop remember the dead, the deceased give us a lesson of immorality and how we will all end up in the same place later on, but I can see her point of trying to make other people remember them so that they don't break down but sometimes you need that. Another thing that she does differently than what I would do is not question people about her injury. If it means so much to her why does she almost never pursues it? She never asks her friends, or family, and when she does she stops if they don't want to talk about it, if I was there I would pursue it with all my might so that I can get some peace.
Reide P. Mrs. Scheller, 3rd hour I disagree. Cadence does not stop asking questions when people tell her to stop and figure out what happened on her own. She always manages to bring it up. Her mother said that she told her over and over every day what happened the summer she got hurt. She constantly asks for details. When people tell her she has to think of it on her own, she begs. Her mother wants her to look strong in front of her family so they will be seen as the most fit to inherit the property after Harris dies.
Reide P. Mrs. Scheller, 3rd hour Cadence got hurt. She has a head injury that is causing her life to be very different from before. However, even before her accident, she made some questionable choices. Cadence pursued her liking toward Gat, even when she knew he had Raquel back home waiting for him when he returns. If I were Cadence, I would just forget about him. Cadence may have felt this way about Gat because he was looked down upon by her family. This may have been part of the reason why she “loved” him. She probably felt bad that Harris didn’t like him or want him or his uncle to be associated with the family. Another reason Cadence most likely went after Gat is because she was bored. They are isolated from the rest of the world for almost the entire summer. Gat is the only boy there that is her age and is not related to her. If you were on an island alone with a boy you found attractive, you would probably gain feelings for him, too. Cadence decided to flirt with Gat, but I understand why she may have done it.
i agree with you on that she i think she should forget about Gat. and how she might just "loved" him because she was bored. do you think that keep Gat would go home after summer and go back with Raquel or would forget about her and would date cadence instead
Donnise W. Mrs. Scheller 4th hr I agree with everything your saying. Cady and Gat should just be friends. If they were to end up dating and have a really bad break up it would mess up all of their friendships and make it hard for them all to hang out with each other. Do you think Gat will go back home to Raquel or date Cady ?
I agree with most of your points on this. Yes, Cadence should forget about Gat because he's been kind of a 'flake'. He never called, texted, etc. and it broke her heart. Although, she could truly love him. He could have ignored her because he was scared of what happened and scared Cadence could have remembered something about being on the rocks with him the day the accident happened. Whether they stay together or not, he's most likely going to be a big piece of this confusing puzzle. My question is; what's his role in her accident and why wasn't he there?
I agree completely. If I was on an island for a whole summer and I was constantly spending time with an attractive boy, it is very easy to see why she may have caught feelings for him. But, also she has known him since she was little, and her feelings just came out of nowhere. Maybe she was just looking for something new to try?
Jenna G 4th hour I agree with you that she needs to forget about Gat because he has been nothing but rude lately. If he was really in love with her as much as he says he is then he would’ve called or emailed or even texted her the summer she didn’t come down.
In the book, We Are Liars, cadence does some very questionable thing. When her dad left her and her mom, cadence was very sad and in the book she uses metaphors and she said her dad shot her and then left. Her mom told her to get back up and cadence did. Also when cadence cries her mom tells her to stop crying. I think cadence is act this way because she does not want people to think the she is helpless and she needs help. I see thing wrong the way she is acting because she should be in grief if her dad left or her grandma has passed she should not just stop crying when other people tell her to stop. I think she should cry and get emotional if those thing have happened to her instead of doing what other people are telling her.
Donnise W. Mrs. Scheller 4th hr I disagree. Cady should save all of her crying and grief for when she gets home. If Cady’s on the island crying and sad all of the time how will she have fun and interact with her family ? I don’t think she should bring up her grandma’s passing around her family either. It might make everyone sad instead of trying to have fun and make more good memories on the island. . besides all of the crying and sadness could worsen Cady’s migranes
Sammie B., you have a good point here. It's irritating how she can't show her emotions and let it all out. Although, to Donnise W.'s point of the possibility of her migraines getting worse that could really happen. Yet, it could also make them better. She'd be way less stressed since she wouldn't be holding every single emotion in. It's all come down to 'what-ifs' at this point.
Cadence's mother, Penny, is very narcissistic, egotistical, and self-centered. She uses Cadence to get better treatment from her father, Harris. She tells Cady to say things to Harris to make sure that she get the most stuff when Harris is dead. She yells at Cady and is very rude to her. Most of the things she tells Cady to say are lies and she threatens Cady to get her say them. She does this knowing that Cady has intense migraines. She has very poor behavior and gets drunk a lot with her sisters. She takes her anger out on Cady when she is drunk.
Hannah Neff Mrs. Scheller 4th hour Who does she want better treatment than? What kind of things does she want more of? Why does she want more things? Does she do it because she has migraines, or because her sisters are doing it to their kids as well?
Hannah N Mrs. Scheller 4th hour Gat keeps giving Cady mixed signals. She says she is in love with him, and he knows it, but he still gets close to her and then becomes distance. He claims they cannot be together because she doesn’t know the real him, but he still likes her. He also had Raquel back home in the beginning. Gat is acting this way because he knows he doesn’t fit in with the Sinclairs. He and his uncle aren’t treated fairly by Cadys grandpa and he doesn’t want to get to close because it would end in Cady losing her inheritance. I think Gat should choose whether he wants to be with Cady or not and stop confusing her. I think he should choose because Cady is willing to give up her inheritance to be with him.
I totally agree with you because I feel like Gat needs to tell her too. I think it’s not fair to Cady that he’s treating her this way and giving her mixed signals. I feel like he’s acting this way because he doesn’t fit in too. I feel like Granddad should give both him and his uncle a chance.
I agree with your response. It is difficult to understand as to why one day Gat is head over heels for Cady, but then the next he is distant and cold towards her. I think he needs to get his stuff together and figure out what he wants before he hurts her even more than he already has.
Donnise W. Mrs. Scheller 4th hr Cadence’s family actions to me are questionable. Cady’s head injury made her forget important details from summer fifteen that no one wants to talk about with her. Whenever Cady’s mom Penny tells her to stop crying she does .. or when she ask questions about what happened they tell her she has to remember it on her own. I think they should just tell her what happened to her that night to stop her from crying and stressing about remembering what happened. If I were Cady I would continue asking questions and talking about until someone finally tells me what happened.
Audrey D. Mrs. Scheller I agree with you on most of your points. But have you took into consideration that the family might not have done anything and they just don’t want to re-live the past? Or that maybe they have told her but she can’t remember because Cady has such a bad memory?
Jenna G Mrs.Scheller 4th hour Cadence’s mother, Penny, is very controlling, self-centered, and obsessive. She is always trying to get Cady to sweet talk her dad, Harris. Most of the stuff she wants Cady to say is lies because Cady doesn’t care if she gets them or not it’s her mother that cares the most, but if she tells her granddad that then her mother will send her off to her dads earlier. I feel like Penny and the other aunts should stop putting the liars in the position they are putting them in because it’s harder on the kids.
Audrey D. Mrs. Scheller I agree with you because at this point all Cadence needs is some time with her cousins to have fun and her mom is always in her face about everything. She forces Cady to say certain things and to put on a face for their family which makes Cady even more stressed.
In the book We Were Liars, Mirren is all of a sudden becoming cold towards Cady. She no longer wants Cady to be included with the things the other liars do together, and she is lying about the things they’ve done. Also she has made up this whole other life about herself back home. Maybe she is acting this way because she feels Cady is getting all the attention and she feels left out? Or possibly she is jealous of Cady? Her actions are disapproving because she isn’t talking about what she is thinking, and has kind of left everyone to figure it out themselves. If she has a problem with someone or something she should address it so whoever it concerns, instead of isolating herself and getting even madder about it. If I were Cady I would want to know what was going on with her and what her problem was.
Audrey D. Mrs. Scheller I agree with you completely, Mirren has been acting very cold and rude towards Cady and has no reason for it. She lies to Cadence about something that isn’t worth lying about which makes Cadence question if Mirren is trustworthy or not.
Cadence is a pretty social person. Cadence loves to be around her friends & family. She is also very depressed. she tried kill herself by drowning herself to escape her self pity & the feeling of not being "good enough". I completely disagree with this characters actions because she can get help by talking to her friends and family. Cadence is not alone, she is constantly surrounded around friends & family. I suggest she go's and talks to one of her best friends about how she's feeling. Cadence is very intelligent, savvy, wonderful, and awesome. Cadence's actions are kinda risky because she is getting intimate with gat and if she gets caught she will most likely get in trouble.
Audrey D. Mrs. Scheller 7th hour I agree with you only on some things. Cadence went through a lot and nobody will tell her what even happened. Have you ever thought of maybe the fact that her family is hiding something? Or that maybe they are all upset with Cady and something wasn’t just an “accident”?
Although all these points are very true, sometimes it’s hard to “just get over it”. Cadence would have a much better chance talking to a box of rocks than asking her own family for help and support through her difficult times. She’s gone through so much since her accident and nobody will tell her what happened, not even the good parts. How would it make you feel if everyone around you acted you’re your emotions didn’t matter and wouldn’t tell you what you desperately wanted to know?
Cadence is a very social, teenage girl. She loves to be around her family and friends. Ever since her accident, though, she's been a little distant. She questions what happened that summer of her accident, but no one tells her anything. I disagree with how she asks and the way she obeys just because her family tells her to do so. She doesn't ask with enough force. When someone changes the subject or says they can't talk about it, she'll dismiss it. Cadence should be more aggressive with getting the answers she needs. She's only being passive because of how she's always been taught. The other point, of her acting how everyone tells her to, kind of gets on my nerves. She's suffered a traumatic experience, is depressed and doesn't know how any of it happened. Cadence should be able to express everything she feels. She should be able to cry about a death in the family or her dad leaving. The dead remind us of immorality and how we'll all end up in the same place. She's hurt and letting out her emotions would help so much.
Do you think it would be beneficial to her situation if she was more forceful in her words or do you think they would've hurt her? I agree with what you are saying, it annoys me too when the main character does things that would be a better outcome if she chose to do it a different way. I think the author chose to make her act this way so it shows that she can be patient for the outcome to commence. I also agree with what you said about the dead, sometimes you need to let go to fully get rid of the bad feelings about the situation.
In the book We Were Liars, Mirren went from acting overly nice to Cady to being rude and self-centered. Mirren acts like a completely different person on the island that their Grandparents own and pretends she isn’t the same person she is back home. She lied about having a boyfriend just to make herself look better when really it just made her look worse since she lied. All Cady is trying to do is move on and find out what happened in her past but every time she asks Mirrren just shuts her down in a rude way. Maybe Mirren is just jealous about not getting as much attention as Cadence?
I totally agree with you, Audrey D. Mirren has definitely been acting way different lately, especially since the accident. She does seem to be quite jealous, but then again maybe she’s trying to protect Cadence from the truth rather than open up those dangerous memories. For all we know, she could be one of the causes of Cadence’s accident and that’s the reason Mirren is shielding her.
The biggest conflict in the book is Cadence’s inability to remember summer fifteen. There was obviously a conflict to cause this inability, which was hitting her head on a rock in the ocean. Although, it would make more sense for her accident to be her biggest conflict I’m still going with her memory loss. This memory loss has caused her to forget about half of her summer fifteen and when she thinks too hard about it her migraines hit. If she could remember how her accident happened and why she wouldn’t seem to be such a mess. The loss of her memories gets to me, though. Her not being able to remember what happened and everyone being so secretive about it makes me anxious to find out the truth behind it all. Since I’ve always wanted to get to the bottom of things this really interests me. I really can’t wait for all the pieces to fall together.
do you think that someone make her hit her head or did something else to her? do you think that Gat has something to do with it? or are the liars did something to her to make her hit her head
Audrey D. Mrs. Scheller In the Book We Were Liars the most important conflict is when Cadence goes night swimming alone at the beach and ends up not remembering anything that happened that night. Cady always tries to ask her family what happened but they say she has to remember on her own. It is a constant battle back and forth between her and her family about what actually happened that night and who was involved. She gets shut down every time she asks which makes her even more stressed and curious. In the end she should be careful who she trusts because for all she knows everyone could be lying.
Why do you think that is the main conflict? What do you think happened that night? Why did she go by herself? Why does her family fight about her accident? Why won't the just tell her? Why is she being lied to? How does she try to figure out what happened? Does she ever figure it out?
Did Cady only not remember the events of the night she hit her head? Or did she forget most of the events that happened the entire summer of fifteen? Why would people end up lying? Did anyone lie to her? Did Cady remember any information on her own or just from what people said? I don’t think she was totally clueless.
The biggest conflict in the story is when Cadence cannot remember the night on the beach where she hit her head. This struggle with herself and others makes conflict between them and un-useful awkwardness. And she also has a struggle with memories that she already knew that are starting to go away. The family keeps reminding her on how she needs to remember by herself so that it doesn't hurt her and so that it is natural remembrance. The way I feel about this conflict is that it could be easily compromised if Cadence stops trying, or one of the other liars tells her what happened that night and Cadence acts like it all came to her suddenly so that her mother doesn't throw a fit on how she remembered the night. But it does interest me on how the story will end and how she will remember everything in the end.
Do you think she hit her head that night? Why? What else could've happened? Do you think someone caused her harm or she did it unintentionally? How does she help herself remember things from that incident? Why can't she just ask about it? Why won't the other liars help her out?
I would ask though questions too. Did some would make her hit her head or did something else to her. Why won’t people just tell her what happened? Why won’t people help her with her memories? Why would her mom tell the other family member not to talk about cady in front of her ?
Donnise W. Mrs. Scheller 4th hr I agree with what you said. I don’t think the book will be interesting if Cady remembers everything on her own. I feel that the story should end with one of the liars telling her what happened the night she hit her head. Then that way it would be easier for her to put the pieces together and start remembering more stuff about that day and that summer.
Reide P. Mrs. Scheller 3rd hour I disagree. Her mom tried to tell her many times what happened that summer. However, Cady forgot every day. Her doctor even suggested that she remember on her own. She remembered more on her own (and remembered it) than when her mother explained it to her day after day. If one of the liars told her what happened and she remembered it, we would question why Cady didn’t remember what her mom told her. She just needed something to trigger her memory.
The main conflict in We Were Liars is Cady not being able to remember what happened during summer fifteen. No one in her family will tell her what happened. Her mother told everyone not to talk about it around Cady. She has intense migraines every day and ends up taking lots of pain pills and is sometimes stuck in bed for days during the summer because of what happened. Grandfather has gone crazy because of the accident, and all of the aunts and her mother have resorted to drinking. Gat wont tell her and neither will Johnny or Mirren. All of the littles think she is a druggie because she has to take pain pills.
Donnise W. Mrs. Scheller 4th hr Do you think something else happened to Cady that they don’t want to talk about ? Why would she go out to the beach by herself that night ? Why do you think her mom wants her to remember on her own and wont just tell her what happened ?
Reide P. Mrs. Scheller 3rd hour I think her mom wants her to remember what happened on her own for many reasons. At first, the doctor told her to let her remember it herself, but Cady’s mom told her anyways. She was telling Cady every day the same story. Finally she decided to let Cady remember herself after she continuously forgot. Cady seemed to remember more when she did it herself rather than when her mother told her.
Sammie B. Mrs.Scheller 3rd hour In the book “We Are Lairs” the biggest conflict is that she could not remember anything after the night she hit her head. She always have to ask her family to tell them what happens the day after or what happened later summers. I think it important to the plot because if she can’t remember anything. Also her mother tell her to stop crying and be normal we she breaks down. If she can’t express herself everything would build up in her all the emotions and he would explode one day. I’m think she should be herself and I think its good for her to ask people to help with her memory.
Hannah N. 4th hour Mrs. Scheller Did all of Cadys memories come from people telling her, or did she remember some things on her own? Why did her mother always tell her to act normal? Why were breakdowns unhealthy for Cady? Did Cady ever gain information other ways then people telling her? In what ways do you think Cady should express herself?
Do you think it would be beneficial to everyone if she found out by herself, or others? Because I think that her friends should help with little details but she should remember the big items of discussion by herself so that it doesn't cause any trauma in the mental department. Do you think the mother tells her to act that way out of heart or is she just doing it so that her family seems strong? I think the mom tells her to act this way because her mother wants her grandfather to see her family as strong enough to take things when he is gone and leaving his things behind to the family.
Hannah N. 4th hour Mrs. Scheller The most important conflict in "We Were Liars," is Cady cannot remember anything that happened the summer of her accident. Summer fifteen was a big summer for the liars and after she got hurt she couldn’t remember most of it. She’s slowly regaining information as time goes on and putting information together to find out about the fire. I think this is important to the plot because throughout the entire story Cady is actively regaining memories from that summer. I was very surprised of how fast she began remembering after she got just a little information. One small memory turned into remembering a huge event. I reacted this way because I didn’t expect her to remember catching the house on fire so soon.
Donnise W. Mrs. Scheller 4th hr In We Were Liars the main conflict is that Cadence cant remember what happened the night she hit her head. She tries to get help from her family but they tell her she needs to remember on her own. Cady gets migraines from when she hit her head so she takes pills to help with it. The littles don’t know any better so they call Cady a druggie when she only uses the pills for her migraines. I think this problem could be solved if they would all come together and talk about what happened that night so Cady and the littles could better understand.
Sammie Burke Mrs.scheller 3rd hour Do you think her family try to tell her to try to remember on her own so they don’t have to talk about it or is it the doctors’ orders? Do you think her losing her memories is something to do with the lairs or her family? Do you think her mom even has something to do will her memories lost?
I agree with the biggest conflict is her not being able to remember. Why do you think Cady gets migraines so easy? Why do you think they all need to come together and talk when they want her the remember it all on her own? Why do you think the little's go into her bags and find the pills?
Hannah n 4th hour Scheller Doesn't the liars help Cady remember? I think they did 'help'. Although they were dead, in Cadys mind they were alive. In her mind she didn't remember what had happened and they told her, but since she imagined them after the accident didn't she actually remember on her own?
I think the most important conflict of the book is when Cady can’t remember what happened the night of her accident. I think this is important because it leaves so many questions unanswered, and constantly wondering what is going to happen next. I’m very curious as to why she can’t remember anything from that night, and only can piece together things her mother has told her. But now she is left on her own to figure out the answers, with no help from the other liars, or her mother. Also why couldn’t she remember each day when her mother told her what happened. I reacted this way because I think it’s interesting how her brain injury prevents her from remembering anything.
Jenna G 4th hour I agree with you on this is the most important because it does tie everything together. I also am very confused with why she can’t remember because they doesn’t really give us information and what actually happened when she hit her head. I also feel like the author was leaving us very confused.
Hannah n. 4th hour I agree that Cady not being able to remember is the most important conflict. However, the reason she cannot remember is either she was in the fire or that she hit her head on a rock, the book was never specific. Also she isnt left on her own, she has the liars even if they were a figment of her imagination after the accident.
I think the most important conflict of the book is when Cadence doesn’t remember what happened the night of her accident. I think its the most important because it leaves the reader questioning everything that has happened, and what is actually going to happen next. Slowly she starts remembering and then she stars putting information together and remembers her and the liars starting a fire. I think this is the most important plot because the whole story is Cadence remembering stuff piece by piece. I was very surprised at how much she was remembering when she only got a little bit of information. One small memory turned into her remembering a whole lot. I reacted this way because I didn’t know she was going to remember that she and the liars caught the house on fire that quickly.
In "We were liars" i think the biggest conflict is in her head when she loses conscience in the water. After that she has raging headaches and migraines. she always needs a recap of everything that happens.I think its important to the plot because she cannot remember that much and she has to have he parents and friends to remeber.
Do you think that she would get her memories back? Or do you think that she will lose her memories for ever. Do you think she will find out what happened to her and how she lost her memories? Do you think it has something to do with the liars when she lost her memories?
I think the main theme of We Were Liars is: Objects aren’t everything. Why I say that is because the Liars have everything, they live on a private island and have a big house, and yet, they still choose each other over items. The same can’t be said for the mother and aunts, they fight over every material, object, and idea that they see in their dead mother's house and their Dad’s trust. The two examples is that they burn the house down because it could end the mother’s and aunt's fighting because then, there will be no more things to fight over. And another example is the Liar’s conversations, they never fight over others items, or they don’t even bring it up, the aunt’s and Cadence’s mom make them beg to their grandfather because it would be “beneficial to the family” is usually the excuse they use. Cadence’s mom even threatened her love because she would not talk to her grandfather about keeping their big house.
Donnise W. Mrs. Scheller 4th hr I agree with your theme. The liars fought about who got what on the island. Being over privileged turned them against one another. Cadence and the others saw this and thought that if everything was gone they would have nothing to fight about anymore and because of the arguing and fighting not only the house is gone but some of the liars.
Jenna G 4th hour Mrs. Scheller I agree with you that the theme of the book is objects aren’t everything.Why do you think they mean so much to the family? What do you think the mom wanted that house so bad? Why do you think her mom treated her love with Gat when her mom knows when she is in love with him?
Audrey D. Scheller 7th hour I agree with you when you say the theme of the book is that objects aren’t everything. The Lairs didn’t like how they were being treated on the island and all everyone cared about was the house or money etc. When really that’s not what matters. But have you ever thought about why they wanted all these things so bad? Maybe they are all just insecure?
Definitely agree with this theme, Thomas D. The adults just wanted to prove who had the power and who was loved the most in the family. They continuously fought over all the materialistic things after Tipper’s death and never once thought about each other. On the other hand, the Liars never sought to be materialistic. They just wanted to, personally, be happy instead of having all the power.
The theme for the book We Are Liars is that privilege can often cripple more than help. In the book Cadence’s family lives on a private island and owns a giant house, her own beach, and power against people. But cadence dad left and she was breaking down and her mom told her to get back up and not cry. And when she was in an accident and lost a lot of her memories no one would help her and her mom said not to ask people what happened and try to be normal.
Donnise W. Mrs. Scheller 4th hr I disagree with your evidence. Cadence’s dad leaving has nothing to do with being privileged can often cripple more than help. Why do you think her dad leaving has something to with your theme? Your theme was good but the evidence to go with it didn’t make since to me.
Gini W scheller 7th hour I think it's more of a 'being rich can make you unfeeling' all this 'it's never enough' stuff, you know? having a privelege doesn't really cripple you. While it's true that having a private island turned them into zombie-like people, there are plenty of others on the island who weren't so like that.
Audrey D. Scheller 7th hour I agree with you when you say the theme of the book is that objects aren’t everything. The Lairs didn’t like how they were being treated on the island and all everyone cared about was the house or money etc. When really that’s not what matters. But have you ever thought about why they wanted all these things so bad? Maybe they are all just insecure?
haha :) 'no such thing as being perfect' have you :) met me :) and God :) I know you believe in God sweetie :) the Sinclairs were perfect :) at least on the outside :) and who cares about the inside :)
Donnise W Mrs.Scheller 4th hr The Theme of ‘’We Were Liars’’ is don’t take matters into your own hands. I think this is the theme because when Cadence and all the rest of the liars agreed to set the house on fire they didn’t think about what could happen to either one of them. If the liars weren’t so worried about who gets what house and who gets what items they wouldn’t have had to set the house on fire. The liars thought that if all the treasures were gone then there wouldn’t be any more arguing and fighting between the aunts.
Gini W. Scheller 7th hour I dunno know, I think it's a little deeper than that. There's nothing wrong with taking matters into your own hands. Setting houses on fire is /never/ a smart decision. Setting anything on fire shouldn't really be an option in a case like this. I think it's more about doing your own thing /intelligently/ than not at all
Jenna G 4th hour Mrs.Scheller I think the theme of We Were Liars is Objects aren’t all that matters. Thought the whole book all the family cared about were objects or materials. They were always fighting over little things to us but the most important things to them like houses, expensive silverware, and other items expect for Jonny, Cady, Gat, and Mirren. The liars will always choose each other over objects for example when the grandpa told Johnny that he would take away his college funds ,Johnny would not choose the college funds his choose his family and friends which is way more important then money .
The theme of We Were Liars is to not be materialistic. During the entire book all the Sinclair’s cared about were material items or objects. They fought over everything they thought was important (houses, china, and other items) except for the liars. The liars chose each other because that’s whats really important. When Harris threatened Johnny’s college fund, he told him he would work through college but he wouldn’t turn against his family/friend.Harris wanted Johnny to help get rid of Gat and Ed because "they weren’t one of them.” They had no regard for anyone but themselves. Also the liars burnt down the Clairmount house to eliminate the item that caused the most fighting between the aunts.
Gini W 7th hour Scheller I have to say, I believe the theme of this book is that you are what you love; not who loves you. . After the accident, Cadence starts to realize her mother’s materialistic tendencies. Her (new) belief is that objects are unimportant and should go to whoever needs them. Despite her mother telling her to stop giving away things, Cadence doesn’t stop. Her own opinions will not be deterred. Another example of this is when she doesn’t automatically come back to Gat. Even though Gat is kind to her upon her return, she stands firm that she doesn’t want to ‘start over’ a hundred times.
Totally agree with you, Gini W. Cady definitely defines the fact that she is what she loves. She made this clear when she fell for Gat, went against family wishes and took her own risks. Cady got tired of having to do what everyone said she had to do so she made herself as happy as she could be, considering the circumstances. Cadence became herself when she became what she loved instead of letting everyone around her define who she is.
The theme in We Were Liars is that you shouldn’t be scared to go against materialism in order to be happy. Throughout the book the Liars were always raised around family that just wanted to be known as a perfect, rich family. They loved the materialism of looking and feeling like the most powerful one in the family. The theme applies because the Liars went against so much of the families desires so they could try to be happy for once. In summer fifteen, they burned down the Clairmont house to get rid of so many objects the family had been fighting over. They didn’t regret it, either. To them, burning the house down was a liberation to the family.
Audrey D. Scheller 7th hour The theme of We Were Liars is that there is no such thing as being perfect. The Sinclair’s have everything they could ever want. They have this perfect reputation but it doesn’t matter to them, they always have to have more. To them they live in this perfect world on their own island away from everyone but really in the end none of it truly matters. The Sinclair’s think that just because they have lots of money they are different from everyone else and that nothing can happen to them but in the end they are wrong. After a while it all came back to them and tragedy not only affects them but others around them too which ruins their “perfection”.
no such things as perfect :) honey :) they were perfect :) at least on the outside :) who cares what's on the inside :) everything was fine before Cadence :) everything was even perfect on the inside too :) there's definitely perfection sweetie :)
Tori Brooks Jobgen 1st hour The internal and external conflict in ''We Were Liars" is that the narrator had an accident one summer and she forgot what led up to her accident. Internally Cady wants to know what happened before and after the accident. Externally she doesn't want her family to treat her like a sick person or thinks that she's a drug addict. The mood or tone is confused and kind of emotional.
Thomas D.
ReplyDeleteMrs. Scheller 1st Hour
In We Were Liars, the setting changed the characters thoughts and opinions because she was in a rich island full of rich people and she did not know the struggle of other people outside of the private island, even she says that she can get tied up in the island and not worry about anything else. In a later setting she is going through doctor after doctor because she can't remember hitting her head with her friends around and this affects her by you seeing that she has a hard time remembering a lot of things now and is really trying to figure out what happened.
Reide P.
ReplyDeleteMrs. Scheller 3rd Hour
Because the setting of We Were Liars is present time (or close to it) and on a private island owned by the main character’s family, the main character, Cady feels that she can be whoever she wants every summer, when she is on the island with the rest of the “liars”. They can all make up their dream lives and nobody would know because they only see each other for the couple months they are on the island. Cady does things she usually wouldn’t do, like go swimming at night by dangerous rocks. This caused her to hit her head, forget everything from the summer she hit her head, and have to miss the next summer on the island. If the story was not set on an island with people she was hardly around, Cady would not be able to/ want to` take the risk she did and get hurt. If I had to adjust to the character’s environment, I would be excited because I wouldn’t have any stress or worry from my life at home. I would get to spend time with people I love and be disconnected with the rest of the world.
Hannah Neff
DeleteMrs. Scheller 4th hour
Who are the 'liars'? Are they people Cady knows well? Why does she feel like she can be whoever she wants? Would she really never have went night swimming by rocks? What made them disconnected from the rest of the world? why did thwey spend so much time on the island? was it significant to Cady in anyway?
Alyssa H.
DeleteMrs. Scheller 4th hour
Why do you think they call their little group the "liars"? How would you feel if you were forced to act like everything is normal even if it is not? Do you think Cady is acting out or is she doing the right thing by wanting to get to know the truth?
Sammie B.
ReplyDeleteMrs. Scheller 4th hour
In the book, We Are Liars, at the private island her grandparents own. The main character has to pretend she was normal and not be depressed because everyone on the island is perfect and can do no wrong. My reaction to the character adapting to the environment is shocking because the entire thing she has been through and every time she breaks down her mom ells her to get back up and she does I would think she would break down and won’t be fine, but instead she gets back up and lifts her chin up and she is fine.
Thomas D.
DeleteMrs. Scheller 1st Hour
Why do you think her mother makes her get back up when Cadence is clearly struggling? Or why do you think that she wants to pretend if it is affecting everything in her day-to-day life? I think this was a good response to what was asked and I agree and understand why you would be shocked in the situation that was happening in the story
. Sammie B.
DeleteMrs.sheller 3rd hour
I think her mother makes Cadence get back up when she clearly is struggling because she want her to normal and not to be different from others. But also maybe she is just pretending it affects everything in her day-to-day life so people can feel bad about want happened to her.
Reide P.
DeleteMrs. Scheller, 3rd hour
How do you think Cady feels about having to constantly “be normal”? The liars constantly notice her telling stories about her life that cause them to feel bad, but she always tells them not to. This is probably from her mother consistently telling her to smile and act normal. Cady has been taught to hide her personality. Throughout the book, you can see her personality slowing coming through the shell her mother has made around her.
Dylan B.
ReplyDeleteMrs. Scheller 1st hr
In the book, We Were Liars, Cadence is surrounded by her spoiled family on their own private island. She can have whatever she wants due to her family’s money. This is only for the summer however. During this time she doesn’t have to worry about the real world. Her family however is a little crazy because they are shrouded from the real world. If I was her, I would be very happy. I wouldn’t have to deal with real world problems and I would be the heir to the island. It would make my life a lot less stressful and enjoyable
Why would you be happy? If a event like what happened to Cadence, happened to you , you would not be happy. Regardless of the money her & her family has she won’t even get to go to their private island this summer because of what happened their last summer.
DeleteMadalyn Daven
DeleteScheller 3rd hour
Why would you be happy? If a event like what happened to Cadence, happened to you , you would not be happy. Regardless of the money her & her family has she won’t even get to go to their private island this summer because of what happened their last summer.
Alyssa H.
ReplyDeleteMrs. Scheller
4th Hour
The setting effects the main character, Cady’s thought’s by her not having to worry about anything in the real world while on summer vacation at Beechwood. Although, she does have a bunch of straining thoughts about her accident. And while they are visiting, her mom continues to tell her to act normal. So, the main character is forced to act as if nothing is wrong. Also, she chooses to lie about things to do with Gat, like the kiss they shared in the attic. My reaction would be excited to visit a private island, and stress relieving to not have to worry about anything to do with the outside world for a while, like a break from reality.
Dylan B.
DeleteMrs. Scheller 3rd hr
How do you think the accident occurred? Why do you think her mom keeps telling her to act normal? What do you think is wrong with Cadence? How would you adapt to having a stress free life on a private island and having to go back to school after every summer?
Alyssa H.
DeleteMrs. Scheller 4th hour
I think something may have happened right before Cady went swimming that no one is telling her, and she decided to blow off some steam by going for a swim. I also think that her mom keeps telling her to act normal because that’s what everybody else does on the island. They all act like they have perfect lives outside of the island, even if it is the complete opposite. I think Cady has an addiction to her pain meds, and she doesn’t know how to deal with the stress of her accident. I feel like I would be depressed having to go back to school after being on the island for the whole summer, but then again I would feel relieved to see all my friends from home.
Joseph R.
ReplyDeleteMrs. Scheller 4th hour
The setting of We Were Liars take's place on an island off the coast of Massachusetts that Cadence's grandparents own. Cadence acts as if she is alright to fit in with the others, when she is really depressed. I am surprised how cadence adapts to the environment she lives in because every time she has a break down she has to deal with all the pain and doesn't tell anyone about the problem's shes having. Cadence live with her mom, dad, and 5 golden retrievers. At one point the dad left and it sent Cadence into depression. While Cadence is on the island her friends come and visit her and it makes her feel good that shes around people and ends up "falling in love".
Madalyn Daven
DeleteScheller 3rd hour
How do you know that her dad leaving was the trigger to her depression? I don’t think so. In my opinion the trigger to her depression has nothing to do with her dad leaving . I think it mostly has to do with her accident. & not going back to their private island.
Jenna G
DeleteMrs.Scheller 4th hour
Why were you surprised with how she adapted? Why do you believe her dad leaving the family sent her into depression? In my opinion I think her depression came along the summer she wouldn’t go because she went to Europe with her dad she wrote to everyone at the island and no one wrote back.
Donnise W.
ReplyDeleteMrs. Scheller 4th Hour
The setting of We Were Liars is on a private island owned by the main character Cady’s grandparents. The main character Cady and her family of ‘’liars’’ go to the island every summer . The setting of this book changes Cady’s thoughts because on the island they do things they wouldn’t usually do. The night Cady decided to go swimming by herself she hit her head on a rock which caused her to have bad headaches and lose some of her memory. She forgot what happened that night and most of the things from the summer she hit her head. If I had to adapt to Cady’s environment my life would be way more fun and less stressful. I wouldn’t have to deal with people from the real world. The only hard and stressful thing would be trying to regain my memory back.
Hannah N.
ReplyDeleteMrs. Scheller 4th hour
In We Were Liars the main character, Cady, spends her summers on her rich grandfathers private island with the rest of her family and her cousins friend, until she gets hurt. After she gets hurt two summers pass before she gets to go back and the way she thinks changes. They never talk about their problems and Cady wants to. She thinks life is more than belongings, while the rest of her family is materialistic. My reaction to being placed in this situation would be similar to Cady’s. I would try to force communication in my family or I would slowly stop coming around. Cady lets her mom force in into things but I would not. I would stand my ground and try to make them realize communication in just important as belongings.
Dylan B.
DeleteMrs. Scheller 3rd hr
How did she get hurt? Where is the island? How many cousins does she have? Are they older or younger than her? Is she close to her family? Why does she want to talk about her problems? Why don't they want to talk about their problems?
Jenna G.
ReplyDeleteMrs.Scheller 4th hour
In the book We Were Liars the main character, Cadence and her whole family are spoiled by her grandfather because he is rich. Every summer she goes to their private island with the whole family her aunts her cousin’s and her cousin’s friend. On the island Cadence has thoughts about how she isn’t like her family. She doesn’t think it’s okay not to talk about their family .She starts acting different after her accident and every once in a while she tries to bring up problems in the family and talk about them. She doesn’t think belonging matter as much as family. If I was in her situation I would feel like her because she really wants to talk to the family but no one wants her to.
Audrey D.
ReplyDeleteMrs. Sheller 7th hour
In the book We Were Liars, the main character Cadence spends almost every summer on her rich Grandparents island. The setting affects Cady because on the island everyone is considered perfect. She is forced to put on a smile and act differently than she normally does. This causes her to go out swimming one night by herself and she ends up hitting her head on a rock and not being able to remember a single thing that had happened after. After Cady’s accident she has acted different and isn’t scared to be herself. If I had to adapt to the character’s environment I would act more respectful to my family and enjoy being around them.
Zoe U.
ReplyDeleteMrs. Scheller 4th
The setting effects the character, Cadence, in a way that any social background would. Cadence has always been raised by a rich, content family. She's not allowed to show her emotions because she has to show how content she, individually, is. She's recently found she's in love, her dad left and her grandmother passed yet she is forced to contain her emotions. If I were in Cadence's place I'd definitely speak up and express my emotions, all the while still being content. This way I’m not always feeling stressed from all the waves of emotions just because my family believes we need to always be covered in a hard shell exterior.
Thomas D.
ReplyDeleteMrs. Scheller 1st Hour
In this story Cadence, the main character, does some things that are… questionable to me. When her mother tells her to stop crying, she does. When everyone stops bringing up the dead, she also does. When everyone stops giving her information on her injury, she stops questioning. Some of these things I don't agree with but I can see why they do it. If I were in the situation that she is in I would cry whenever because it is bad to just keep those emotions inside of you and not tell somebody about them, but, I can see why her mother makes her act that way so that they can look strong and not remind other people, but why look strong if you are not on the inside? The other thing that Cadence does is trying to stop remember the dead, the deceased give us a lesson of immorality and how we will all end up in the same place later on, but I can see her point of trying to make other people remember them so that they don't break down but sometimes you need that. Another thing that she does differently than what I would do is not question people about her injury. If it means so much to her why does she almost never pursues it? She never asks her friends, or family, and when she does she stops if they don't want to talk about it, if I was there I would pursue it with all my might so that I can get some peace.
Reide P.
DeleteMrs. Scheller, 3rd hour
I disagree. Cadence does not stop asking questions when people tell her to stop and figure out what happened on her own. She always manages to bring it up. Her mother said that she told her over and over every day what happened the summer she got hurt. She constantly asks for details. When people tell her she has to think of it on her own, she begs.
Her mother wants her to look strong in front of her family so they will be seen as the most fit to inherit the property after Harris dies.
Reide P.
ReplyDeleteMrs. Scheller, 3rd hour
Cadence got hurt. She has a head injury that is causing her life to be very different from before. However, even before her accident, she made some questionable choices. Cadence pursued her liking toward Gat, even when she knew he had Raquel back home waiting for him when he returns. If I were Cadence, I would just forget about him. Cadence may have felt this way about Gat because he was looked down upon by her family. This may have been part of the reason why she “loved” him. She probably felt bad that Harris didn’t like him or want him or his uncle to be associated with the family. Another reason Cadence most likely went after Gat is because she was bored. They are isolated from the rest of the world for almost the entire summer. Gat is the only boy there that is her age and is not related to her. If you were on an island alone with a boy you found attractive, you would probably gain feelings for him, too. Cadence decided to flirt with Gat, but I understand why she may have done it.
Sammie B.
DeleteMrs.Scheller 3rd hour
i agree with you on that she i think she should forget about Gat. and how she might just "loved" him because she was bored. do you think that keep Gat would go home after summer and go back with Raquel or would forget about her and would date cadence instead
Donnise W.
DeleteMrs. Scheller 4th hr
I agree with everything your saying. Cady and Gat should just be friends. If they were to end up dating and have a really bad break up it would mess up all of their friendships and make it hard for them all to hang out with each other. Do you think Gat will go back home to Raquel or date Cady ?
Joseph R.
DeleteMrs. Scheller 4h hr
I agree with you, she should forget abut gat because he never call, texted, or even sent an email because he loves another girl.
Zoe U.
DeleteMrs. Scheller 7th hour
I agree with most of your points on this. Yes, Cadence should forget about Gat because he's been kind of a 'flake'. He never called, texted, etc. and it broke her heart. Although, she could truly love him. He could have ignored her because he was scared of what happened and scared Cadence could have remembered something about being on the rocks with him the day the accident happened. Whether they stay together or not, he's most likely going to be a big piece of this confusing puzzle. My question is; what's his role in her accident and why wasn't he there?
Alyssa H.
DeleteMrs.scheller 4th hour
I agree completely. If I was on an island for a whole summer and I was constantly spending time with an attractive boy, it is very easy to see why she may have caught feelings for him. But, also she has known him since she was little, and her feelings just came out of nowhere. Maybe she was just looking for something new to try?
Jenna G
Delete4th hour
I agree with you that she needs to forget about Gat because he has been nothing but rude lately. If he was really in love with her as much as he says he is then he would’ve called or emailed or even texted her the summer she didn’t come down.
Sammie B.
ReplyDeleteMrs. Scheller 3rd hour
In the book, We Are Liars, cadence does some very questionable thing. When her dad left her and her mom, cadence was very sad and in the book she uses metaphors and she said her dad shot her and then left. Her mom told her to get back up and cadence did. Also when cadence cries her mom tells her to stop crying. I think cadence is act this way because she does not want people to think the she is helpless and she needs help. I see thing wrong the way she is acting because she should be in grief if her dad left or her grandma has passed she should not just stop crying when other people tell her to stop. I think she should cry and get emotional if those thing have happened to her instead of doing what other people are telling her.
Joseh R.
DeleteMrs.Sheller 4th hr
Her father leaving is probably the reason she almost drowned and is depressed.
Donnise W.
DeleteMrs. Scheller 4th hr
I disagree. Cady should save all of her crying and grief for when she gets home. If Cady’s on the island crying and sad all of the time how will she have fun and interact with her family ? I don’t think she should bring up her grandma’s passing around her family either. It might make everyone sad instead of trying to have fun and make more good memories on the island. . besides all of the crying and sadness could worsen Cady’s migranes
Zoe U.
DeleteMrs. Scheller 7th hour
Sammie B., you have a good point here. It's irritating how she can't show her emotions and let it all out. Although, to Donnise W.'s point of the possibility of her migraines getting worse that could really happen. Yet, it could also make them better. She'd be way less stressed since she wouldn't be holding every single emotion in. It's all come down to 'what-ifs' at this point.
Dylan B.
ReplyDeleteMrs. Scheller 3rd hr
Cadence's mother, Penny, is very narcissistic, egotistical, and self-centered. She uses Cadence to get better treatment from her father, Harris. She tells Cady to say things to Harris to make sure that she get the most stuff when Harris is dead. She yells at Cady and is very rude to her. Most of the things she tells Cady to say are lies and she threatens Cady to get her say them. She does this knowing that Cady has intense migraines. She has very poor behavior and gets drunk a lot with her sisters. She takes her anger out on Cady when she is drunk.
Hannah Neff
DeleteMrs. Scheller 4th hour
Who does she want better treatment than? What kind of things does she want more of? Why does she want more things? Does she do it because she has migraines, or because her sisters are doing it to their kids as well?
Hannah N
ReplyDeleteMrs. Scheller 4th hour
Gat keeps giving Cady mixed signals. She says she is in love with him, and he knows it, but he still gets close to her and then becomes distance. He claims they cannot be together because she doesn’t know the real him, but he still likes her. He also had Raquel back home in the beginning. Gat is acting this way because he knows he doesn’t fit in with the Sinclairs. He and his uncle aren’t treated fairly by Cadys grandpa and he doesn’t want to get to close because it would end in Cady losing her inheritance. I think Gat should choose whether he wants to be with Cady or not and stop confusing her. I think he should choose because Cady is willing to give up her inheritance to be with him.
Jenna G
DeleteMrs.Scheller 4th hour
I totally agree with you because I feel like Gat needs to tell her too. I think it’s not fair to Cady that he’s treating her this way and giving her mixed signals. I feel like he’s acting this way because he doesn’t fit in too. I feel like Granddad should give both him and his uncle a chance.
Alyssa H.
DeleteMrs. Scheller 4th hour
I agree with your response. It is difficult to understand as to why one day Gat is head over heels for Cady, but then the next he is distant and cold towards her. I think he needs to get his stuff together and figure out what he wants before he hurts her even more than he already has.
Donnise W.
ReplyDeleteMrs. Scheller 4th hr
Cadence’s family actions to me are questionable. Cady’s head injury made her forget important details from summer fifteen that no one wants to talk about with her. Whenever Cady’s mom Penny tells her to stop crying she does .. or when she ask questions about what happened they tell her she has to remember it on her own. I think they should just tell her what happened to her that night to stop her from crying and stressing about remembering what happened. If I were Cady I would continue asking questions and talking about until someone finally tells me what happened.
Audrey D.
DeleteMrs. Scheller
I agree with you on most of your points. But have you took into consideration that the family might not have done anything and they just don’t want to re-live the past? Or that maybe they have told her but she can’t remember because Cady has such a bad memory?
Jenna G
ReplyDeleteMrs.Scheller 4th hour
Cadence’s mother, Penny, is very controlling, self-centered, and obsessive. She is always trying to get Cady to sweet talk her dad, Harris. Most of the stuff she wants Cady to say is lies because Cady doesn’t care if she gets them or not it’s her mother that cares the most, but if she tells her granddad that then her mother will send her off to her dads earlier. I feel like Penny and the other aunts should stop putting the liars in the position they are putting them in because it’s harder on the kids.
Audrey D.
DeleteMrs. Scheller
I agree with you because at this point all Cadence needs is some time with her cousins to have fun and her mom is always in her face about everything. She forces Cady to say certain things and to put on a face for their family which makes Cady even more stressed.
Alyssa H.
ReplyDeleteMrs.Scheller 4th hour
In the book We Were Liars, Mirren is all of a sudden becoming cold towards Cady. She no longer wants Cady to be included with the things the other liars do together, and she is lying about the things they’ve done. Also she has made up this whole other life about herself back home. Maybe she is acting this way because she feels Cady is getting all the attention and she feels left out? Or possibly she is jealous of Cady? Her actions are disapproving because she isn’t talking about what she is thinking, and has kind of left everyone to figure it out themselves. If she has a problem with someone or something she should address it so whoever it concerns, instead of isolating herself and getting even madder about it. If I were Cady I would want to know what was going on with her and what her problem was.
Audrey D.
DeleteMrs. Scheller
I agree with you completely, Mirren has been acting very cold and rude towards Cady and has no reason for it. She lies to Cadence about something that isn’t worth lying about which makes Cadence question if Mirren is trustworthy or not.
Joseph R.
ReplyDeleteMrs. Scheller 4th hour
Cadence is a pretty social person. Cadence loves to be around her friends & family. She is also very depressed. she tried kill herself by drowning herself to escape her self pity & the feeling of not being "good enough". I completely disagree with this characters actions because she can get help by talking to her friends and family. Cadence is not alone, she is constantly surrounded around friends & family. I suggest she go's and talks to one of her best friends about how she's feeling. Cadence is very intelligent, savvy, wonderful, and awesome. Cadence's actions are kinda risky because she is getting intimate with gat and if she gets caught she will most likely get in trouble.
Audrey D.
DeleteMrs. Scheller 7th hour
I agree with you only on some things. Cadence went through a lot and nobody will tell her what even happened. Have you ever thought of maybe the fact that her family is hiding something? Or that maybe they are all upset with Cady and something wasn’t just an “accident”?
Zoe U.
DeleteScheller 7th
Although all these points are very true, sometimes it’s hard to “just get over it”. Cadence would have a much better chance talking to a box of rocks than asking her own family for help and support through her difficult times. She’s gone through so much since her accident and nobody will tell her what happened, not even the good parts. How would it make you feel if everyone around you acted you’re your emotions didn’t matter and wouldn’t tell you what you desperately wanted to know?
Zoe U.
ReplyDeleteMrs. Scheller 7th hour
Cadence is a very social, teenage girl. She loves to be around her family and friends. Ever since her accident, though, she's been a little distant. She questions what happened that summer of her accident, but no one tells her anything. I disagree with how she asks and the way she obeys just because her family tells her to do so. She doesn't ask with enough force. When someone changes the subject or says they can't talk about it, she'll dismiss it. Cadence should be more aggressive with getting the answers she needs. She's only being passive because of how she's always been taught. The other point, of her acting how everyone tells her to, kind of gets on my nerves. She's suffered a traumatic experience, is depressed and doesn't know how any of it happened. Cadence should be able to express everything she feels. She should be able to cry about a death in the family or her dad leaving. The dead remind us of immorality and how we'll all end up in the same place. She's hurt and letting out her emotions would help so much.
Thomas D.
DeleteMrs. Scheller 1st Hour
Do you think it would be beneficial to her situation if she was more forceful in her words or do you think they would've hurt her? I agree with what you are saying, it annoys me too when the main character does things that would be a better outcome if she chose to do it a different way. I think the author chose to make her act this way so it shows that she can be patient for the outcome to commence. I also agree with what you said about the dead, sometimes you need to let go to fully get rid of the bad feelings about the situation.
Audrey D.
ReplyDeleteMrs. Scheller 7th hour
In the book We Were Liars, Mirren went from acting overly nice to Cady to being rude and self-centered. Mirren acts like a completely different person on the island that their Grandparents own and pretends she isn’t the same person she is back home. She lied about having a boyfriend just to make herself look better when really it just made her look worse since she lied. All Cady is trying to do is move on and find out what happened in her past but every time she asks Mirrren just shuts her down in a rude way. Maybe Mirren is just jealous about not getting as much attention as Cadence?
Zoe U.
DeleteScheller 7th
I totally agree with you, Audrey D. Mirren has definitely been acting way different lately, especially since the accident. She does seem to be quite jealous, but then again maybe she’s trying to protect Cadence from the truth rather than open up those dangerous memories. For all we know, she could be one of the causes of Cadence’s accident and that’s the reason Mirren is shielding her.
Zoe U.
ReplyDeleteScheller 7th
The biggest conflict in the book is Cadence’s inability to remember summer fifteen. There was obviously a conflict to cause this inability, which was hitting her head on a rock in the ocean. Although, it would make more sense for her accident to be her biggest conflict I’m still going with her memory loss. This memory loss has caused her to forget about half of her summer fifteen and when she thinks too hard about it her migraines hit. If she could remember how her accident happened and why she wouldn’t seem to be such a mess. The loss of her memories gets to me, though. Her not being able to remember what happened and everyone being so secretive about it makes me anxious to find out the truth behind it all. Since I’ve always wanted to get to the bottom of things this really interests me. I really can’t wait for all the pieces to fall together.
Sammie B.
DeleteMrs. Scheller 3rd hour
do you think that someone make her hit her head or did something else to her? do you think that Gat has something to do with it? or are the liars did something to her to make her hit her head
Audrey D.
ReplyDeleteMrs. Scheller
In the Book We Were Liars the most important conflict is when Cadence goes night swimming alone at the beach and ends up not remembering anything that happened that night. Cady always tries to ask her family what happened but they say she has to remember on her own. It is a constant battle back and forth between her and her family about what actually happened that night and who was involved. She gets shut down every time she asks which makes her even more stressed and curious. In the end she should be careful who she trusts because for all she knows everyone could be lying.
Dylan B.
DeleteMrs. Scheller 3rd hr
Why do you think that is the main conflict? What do you think happened that night? Why did she go by herself? Why does her family fight about her accident? Why won't the just tell her? Why is she being lied to? How does she try to figure out what happened? Does she ever figure it out?
Did Cady only not remember the events of the night she hit her head? Or did she forget most of the events that happened the entire summer of fifteen? Why would people end up lying? Did anyone lie to her? Did Cady remember any information on her own or just from what people said? I don’t think she was totally clueless.
DeleteThomas D.
ReplyDeleteMrs. Scheller, 1st Hour
The biggest conflict in the story is when Cadence cannot remember the night on the beach where she hit her head. This struggle with herself and others makes conflict between them and un-useful awkwardness. And she also has a struggle with memories that she already knew that are starting to go away. The family keeps reminding her on how she needs to remember by herself so that it doesn't hurt her and so that it is natural remembrance. The way I feel about this conflict is that it could be easily compromised if Cadence stops trying, or one of the other liars tells her what happened that night and Cadence acts like it all came to her suddenly so that her mother doesn't throw a fit on how she remembered the night. But it does interest me on how the story will end and how she will remember everything in the end.
Dylan B.
DeleteMrs. Scheller 3rd hr
Do you think she hit her head that night? Why? What else could've happened? Do you think someone caused her harm or she did it unintentionally? How does she help herself remember things from that incident? Why can't she just ask about it? Why won't the other liars help her out?
Sammie B.
DeleteMrs.Scheller 3rd hour
I would ask though questions too. Did some would make her hit her head or did something else to her. Why won’t people just tell her what happened? Why won’t people help her with her memories? Why would her mom tell the other family member not to talk about cady in front of her ?
Donnise W.
DeleteMrs. Scheller 4th hr
I agree with what you said. I don’t think the book will be interesting if Cady remembers everything on her own. I feel that the story should end with one of the liars telling her what happened the night she hit her head. Then that way it would be easier for her to put the pieces together and start remembering more stuff about that day and that summer.
Reide P.
DeleteMrs. Scheller 3rd hour
I disagree. Her mom tried to tell her many times what happened that summer. However, Cady forgot every day. Her doctor even suggested that she remember on her own. She remembered more on her own (and remembered it) than when her mother explained it to her day after day. If one of the liars told her what happened and she remembered it, we would question why Cady didn’t remember what her mom told her. She just needed something to trigger her memory.
Dylan B.
ReplyDeleteMrs. Scheller 3rd hr
The main conflict in We Were Liars is Cady not being able to remember what happened during summer fifteen. No one in her family will tell her what happened. Her mother told everyone not to talk about it around Cady. She has intense migraines every day and ends up taking lots of pain pills and is sometimes stuck in bed for days during the summer because of what happened. Grandfather has gone crazy because of the accident, and all of the aunts and her mother have resorted to drinking. Gat wont tell her and neither will Johnny or Mirren. All of the littles think she is a druggie because she has to take pain pills.
Donnise W.
DeleteMrs. Scheller 4th hr
Do you think something else happened to Cady that they don’t want to talk about ? Why would she go out to the beach by herself that night ? Why do you think her mom wants her to remember on her own and wont just tell her what happened ?
Reide P.
DeleteMrs. Scheller 3rd hour
I think her mom wants her to remember what happened on her own for many reasons. At first, the doctor told her to let her remember it herself, but Cady’s mom told her anyways. She was telling Cady every day the same story. Finally she decided to let Cady remember herself after she continuously forgot. Cady seemed to remember more when she did it herself rather than when her mother told her.
Sammie B.
ReplyDeleteMrs.Scheller 3rd hour
In the book “We Are Lairs” the biggest conflict is that she could not remember anything after the night she hit her head. She always have to ask her family to tell them what happens the day after or what happened later summers. I think it important to the plot because if she can’t remember anything. Also her mother tell her to stop crying and be normal we she breaks down. If she can’t express herself everything would build up in her all the emotions and he would explode one day. I’m think she should be herself and I think its good for her to ask people to help with her memory.
Hannah N.
Delete4th hour
Mrs. Scheller
Did all of Cadys memories come from people telling her, or did she remember some things on her own? Why did her mother always tell her to act normal? Why were breakdowns unhealthy for Cady? Did Cady ever gain information other ways then people telling her? In what ways do you think Cady should express herself?
Thomas D.
DeleteMrs. Scheller 1st Hour
Do you think it would be beneficial to everyone if she found out by herself, or others? Because I think that her friends should help with little details but she should remember the big items of discussion by herself so that it doesn't cause any trauma in the mental department. Do you think the mother tells her to act that way out of heart or is she just doing it so that her family seems strong? I think the mom tells her to act this way because her mother wants her grandfather to see her family as strong enough to take things when he is gone and leaving his things behind to the family.
Hannah N.
ReplyDelete4th hour
Mrs. Scheller
The most important conflict in "We Were Liars," is Cady cannot remember anything that happened the summer of her accident. Summer fifteen was a big summer for the liars and after she got hurt she couldn’t remember most of it. She’s slowly regaining information as time goes on and putting information together to find out about the fire. I think this is important to the plot because throughout the entire story Cady is actively regaining memories from that summer. I was very surprised of how fast she began remembering after she got just a little information. One small memory turned into remembering a huge event. I reacted this way because I didn’t expect her to remember catching the house on fire so soon.
Donnise W.
ReplyDeleteMrs. Scheller 4th hr
In We Were Liars the main conflict is that Cadence cant remember what happened the night she hit her head. She tries to get help from her family but they tell her she needs to remember on her own. Cady gets migraines from when she hit her head so she takes pills to help with it. The littles don’t know any better so they call Cady a druggie when she only uses the pills for her migraines. I think this problem could be solved if they would all come together and talk about what happened that night so Cady and the littles could better understand.
Sammie Burke
DeleteMrs.scheller 3rd hour
Do you think her family try to tell her to try to remember on her own so they don’t have to talk about it or is it the doctors’ orders? Do you think her losing her memories is something to do with the lairs or her family? Do you think her mom even has something to do will her memories lost?
Jenna G
Delete4th hour
I agree with the biggest conflict is her not being able to remember. Why do you think Cady gets migraines so easy? Why do you think they all need to come together and talk when they want her the remember it all on her own? Why do you think the little's go into her bags and find the pills?
Hannah n
Delete4th hour
Doesn't the liars help Cady remember? I think they did 'help'. Although they were dead, in Cadys mind they were alive. In her mind she didn't remember what had happened and they told her, but since she imagined them after the accident didn't she actually remember on her own?
Alyssa H.
ReplyDeleteMrs. Scheller 4th hour
I think the most important conflict of the book is when Cady can’t remember what happened the night of her accident. I think this is important because it leaves so many questions unanswered, and constantly wondering what is going to happen next. I’m very curious as to why she can’t remember anything from that night, and only can piece together things her mother has told her. But now she is left on her own to figure out the answers, with no help from the other liars, or her mother. Also why couldn’t she remember each day when her mother told her what happened. I reacted this way because I think it’s interesting how her brain injury prevents her from remembering anything.
Jenna G
Delete4th hour
I agree with you on this is the most important because it does tie everything together. I also am very confused with why she can’t remember because they doesn’t really give us information and what actually happened when she hit her head. I also feel like the author was leaving us very confused.
Hannah n.
Delete4th hour
I agree that Cady not being able to remember is the most important conflict. However, the reason she cannot remember is either she was in the fire or that she hit her head on a rock, the book was never specific. Also she isnt left on her own, she has the liars even if they were a figment of her imagination after the accident.
Jenna G
ReplyDeleteMrs.Scheller 4th hour
I think the most important conflict of the book is when Cadence doesn’t remember what happened the night of her accident. I think its the most important because it leaves the reader questioning everything that has happened, and what is actually going to happen next. Slowly she starts remembering and then she stars putting information together and remembers her and the liars starting a fire. I think this is the most important plot because the whole story is Cadence remembering stuff piece by piece. I was very surprised at how much she was remembering when she only got a little bit of information. One small memory turned into her remembering a whole lot. I reacted this way because I didn’t know she was going to remember that she and the liars caught the house on fire that quickly.
Joseph R.
ReplyDeleteMrs. Scheller 4th hour
In "We were liars" i think the biggest conflict is in her head when she loses conscience in the water. After that she has raging headaches and migraines. she always needs a recap of everything that happens.I think its important to the plot because she cannot remember that much and she has to have he parents and friends to remeber.
Sammie Burke
DeleteMrs.scheller 3rd hour
Do you think that she would get her memories back? Or do you think that she will lose her memories for ever. Do you think she will find out what happened to her and how she lost her memories? Do you think it has something to do with the liars when she lost her memories?
Thomas D.
ReplyDeleteMrs. Scheller 1st Hour
I think the main theme of We Were Liars is: Objects aren’t everything. Why I say that is because the Liars have everything, they live on a private island and have a big house, and yet, they still choose each other over items. The same can’t be said for the mother and aunts, they fight over every material, object, and idea that they see in their dead mother's house and their Dad’s trust. The two examples is that they burn the house down because it could end the mother’s and aunt's fighting because then, there will be no more things to fight over. And another example is the Liar’s conversations, they never fight over others items, or they don’t even bring it up, the aunt’s and Cadence’s mom make them beg to their grandfather because it would be “beneficial to the family” is usually the excuse they use. Cadence’s mom even threatened her love because she would not talk to her grandfather about keeping their big house.
Donnise W.
DeleteMrs. Scheller 4th hr
I agree with your theme. The liars fought about who got what on the island. Being over privileged turned them against one another. Cadence and the others saw this and thought that if everything was gone they would have nothing to fight about anymore and because of the arguing and fighting not only the house is gone but some of the liars.
Jenna G
Delete4th hour
Mrs. Scheller
I agree with you that the theme of the book is objects aren’t everything.Why do you think they mean so much to the family? What do you think the mom wanted that house so bad? Why do you think her mom treated her love with Gat when her mom knows when she is in love with him?
Audrey D.
DeleteScheller 7th hour
I agree with you when you say the theme of the book is that objects aren’t everything. The Lairs didn’t like how they were being treated on the island and all everyone cared about was the house or money etc. When really that’s not what matters. But have you ever thought about why they wanted all these things so bad? Maybe they are all just insecure?
Zoe U.
DeleteScheller 7th
Definitely agree with this theme, Thomas D. The adults just wanted to prove who had the power and who was loved the most in the family. They continuously fought over all the materialistic things after Tipper’s death and never once thought about each other. On the other hand, the Liars never sought to be materialistic. They just wanted to, personally, be happy instead of having all the power.
Sammie Burke
ReplyDeleteMrs.scheller 3rd hour
The theme for the book We Are Liars is that privilege can often cripple more than help. In the book Cadence’s family lives on a private island and owns a giant house, her own beach, and power against people. But cadence dad left and she was breaking down and her mom told her to get back up and not cry. And when she was in an accident and lost a lot of her memories no one would help her and her mom said not to ask people what happened and try to be normal.
Donnise W.
DeleteMrs. Scheller 4th hr
I disagree with your evidence. Cadence’s dad leaving has nothing to do with being privileged can often cripple more than help. Why do you think her dad leaving has something to with your theme? Your theme was good but the evidence to go with it didn’t make since to me.
Gini W
Deletescheller 7th hour
I think it's more of a 'being rich can make you unfeeling' all this 'it's never enough' stuff, you know? having a privelege doesn't really cripple you. While it's true that having a private island turned them into zombie-like people, there are plenty of others on the island who weren't so like that.
Audrey D.
DeleteScheller 7th hour
I agree with you when you say the theme of the book is that objects aren’t everything. The Lairs didn’t like how they were being treated on the island and all everyone cared about was the house or money etc. When really that’s not what matters. But have you ever thought about why they wanted all these things so bad? Maybe they are all just insecure?
haha :) 'no such thing as being perfect' have you :) met me :) and God :) I know you believe in God sweetie :) the Sinclairs were perfect :) at least on the outside :) and who cares about the inside :)
DeleteDonnise W
ReplyDeleteMrs.Scheller 4th hr
The Theme of ‘’We Were Liars’’ is don’t take matters into your own hands. I think this is the theme because when Cadence and all the rest of the liars agreed to set the house on fire they didn’t think about what could happen to either one of them. If the liars weren’t so worried about who gets what house and who gets what items they wouldn’t have had to set the house on fire. The liars thought that if all the treasures were gone then there wouldn’t be any more arguing and fighting between the aunts.
Gini W.
DeleteScheller 7th hour
I dunno know, I think it's a little deeper than that. There's nothing wrong with taking matters into your own hands. Setting houses on fire is /never/ a smart decision. Setting anything on fire shouldn't really be an option in a case like this. I think it's more about doing your own thing /intelligently/ than not at all
Jenna G
ReplyDelete4th hour Mrs.Scheller
I think the theme of We Were Liars is Objects aren’t all that matters. Thought the whole book all the family cared about were objects or materials. They were always fighting over little things to us but the most important things to them like houses, expensive silverware, and other items expect for Jonny, Cady, Gat, and Mirren. The liars will always choose each other over objects for example when the grandpa told Johnny that he would take away his college funds ,Johnny would not choose the college funds his choose his family and friends which is way more important then money .
Hannah N
ReplyDelete4th hour
Mrs. Scheller
The theme of We Were Liars is to not be materialistic. During the entire book all the Sinclair’s cared about were material items or objects. They fought over everything they thought was important (houses, china, and other items) except for the liars. The liars chose each other because that’s whats really important. When Harris threatened Johnny’s college fund, he told him he would work through college but he wouldn’t turn against his family/friend.Harris wanted Johnny to help get rid of Gat and Ed because "they weren’t one of them.” They had no regard for anyone but themselves. Also the liars burnt down the Clairmount house to eliminate the item that caused the most fighting between the aunts.
Gini W
ReplyDelete7th hour
I have to say, I believe the theme of this book is that you are what you love; not who loves you. . After the accident, Cadence starts to realize her mother’s materialistic tendencies. Her (new) belief is that objects are unimportant and should go to whoever needs them. Despite her mother telling her to stop giving away things, Cadence doesn’t stop. Her own opinions will not be deterred. Another example of this is when she doesn’t automatically come back to Gat. Even though Gat is kind to her upon her return, she stands firm that she doesn’t want to ‘start over’ a hundred times.
Zoe U.
DeleteScheller 7th
Totally agree with you, Gini W. Cady definitely defines the fact that she is what she loves. She made this clear when she fell for Gat, went against family wishes and took her own risks. Cady got tired of having to do what everyone said she had to do so she made herself as happy as she could be, considering the circumstances. Cadence became herself when she became what she loved instead of letting everyone around her define who she is.
Zoe U.
ReplyDelete7th hour
Mrs. Scheller
The theme in We Were Liars is that you shouldn’t be scared to go against materialism in order to be happy. Throughout the book the Liars were always raised around family that just wanted to be known as a perfect, rich family. They loved the materialism of looking and feeling like the most powerful one in the family. The theme applies because the Liars went against so much of the families desires so they could try to be happy for once. In summer fifteen, they burned down the Clairmont house to get rid of so many objects the family had been fighting over. They didn’t regret it, either. To them, burning the house down was a liberation to the family.
Audrey D.
ReplyDeleteScheller 7th hour
The theme of We Were Liars is that there is no such thing as being perfect. The Sinclair’s have everything they could ever want. They have this perfect reputation but it doesn’t matter to them, they always have to have more. To them they live in this perfect world on their own island away from everyone but really in the end none of it truly matters. The Sinclair’s think that just because they have lots of money they are different from everyone else and that nothing can happen to them but in the end they are wrong. After a while it all came back to them and tragedy not only affects them but others around them too which ruins their “perfection”.
no such things as perfect :) honey :) they were perfect :) at least on the outside :) who cares what's on the inside :) everything was fine before Cadence :) everything was even perfect on the inside too :) there's definitely perfection sweetie :)
DeleteTori Brooks
1st hour
The internal and external conflict in ''We Were Liars" is that the narrator had an accident one summer and she forgot what led up to her accident. Internally Cady wants to know what happened before and after the accident. Externally she doesn't want her family to treat her like a sick person or thinks that she's a drug addict.
The mood or tone is confused and kind of emotional.